Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Open Source and the Value Boom

I spoke to a friend of mine after I wrote the previous entry on "more specifics" and talked to him about my idea. He is a staid fellow steeped into the practices of business and when he heard what I had to say he smiled, "it’s doable", and I knew he meant on a technological side. Or I thought. I prodded him with,

"Yeah, I didn't think that it was going to be too hard technologically. It seemed to me, and my small understanding of such tools, to be doable."

"No. I meant the whole idea. It is doable. I don't know if it will be done, that takes the market and fortune really, but it is possible. It is a good idea."

"Even the bit about changing global value system?"

"Yes, even the bit about changing a global value system. I know and understand your philosophical lens when you say that. That you believe everything affects everything, that each and every motion is, and I quote you here, 'via chaos theory, that every variable within a system has an effect on the system, that the system is malleable to all acts of the variable.' Yes, Dear Guru, I know. But I look at it like a savage entrepreneur and look at things like Google. They transformed the entire value system of research, even petty research, from a tedious time consuming and mostly either done by student or professional, act to one that is relatively free of any labor. Now we can argue that this has given rise to charlatans, false information and the lot, but we cannot argue how this caused a fundamental change in the system. You would call it an ecological change and its subsequent environmental change e.g. how reporters work, how students study, how schools are even set up. We can even look at the rise of the Ipod and how we look at music, how we pay for it, what the 'record' store will look like. Hell, even cell phones. We are so used to change and ecological shifts now that technology has raced so fast that it doesn't even seem strange until we spend some time on it. I used to have over a 100 phone numbers memorized, Guru, now I can't even remember my own phone number. That is a commercial driven technological advancement in communications-the cell phone, that has a direct effect on my memory. I blame you for making me think like this, but it is no less true.

So, with all of this, I think that what you are trying to do is possible. I don't know if it is probable, but it is much more probable than improbable I would say."

"What they hell does more probable than improbable mean?" We laughed.

"What you are talking about with your articles, I like the name interactive articles too with BluePrint interviews so that those who are reading them can use their own creativity to start something similar, very clever, but what you are talking about with it all: the articles, the forums, the profiles, the ideas floating about with critiques and suggestions to how to make their ideas better-that is called Open Source. What you are trying to create is an Open Source for Ideas that can, your words here, heal the world. The make it a testament to our better nature, seriously Guru, you are going to have to put a crimp on that type of talk if you are going to get anywhere in the 'business' side."

"You listen to me."

"Well. Err."

"That is the old selfish paradigm that doesn't want to listen. With Ecological shifts to the environment there is death. Print killed memory in its pre-print form. I am trying, seriously, to kill this old paradigm in its current manifestation. I think they will listen now because we have the tools to change that paradigm. They didn't want to listen before because they had nothing to cling too if they did, today, in our modern technological age born of this selfish paradigm which now strangely can change the underlying value system that bore it, it is possible to think that way and have something solid to cling too. That is why you are listening to me, that is why you say it is possible, because it is. It is free to be a Realistic Optimist. These times come rarely and are short in duration: in the selfish paradigm this is the dot com boom, the oil boom, etc. But this is a Value boom."

"A value boom? Blueprint interviews? Interactive Articles and Value Evolution? Are you into marketing?"

I laugh.

"If it helps change the world I am. To Change it to our best selves which may not look wholly different but it would feel wholly different." I point across Lake Sammamish that is filled with roaring boats, "imagine if we could look out at that lake and know that most of those people out there are filled with their great ideas to help others and there is a system to get them on their way. Imagine if we knew in the pit of our stomach where our doubt resides now, that they had Others interests if not more so, then at least as equal, to their own."

And we both smiled and he looked over at me and said,

"You might be famous.'

"Only if it helps my friend. Only if it helps."

Be well

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Stages of Development

I think I have to be more specific about what I am trying to do. This is going to be in three overt stages but there are going to be, as always, smaller ones along the way. I will address the first one here.

1) I want to start an evolving article focusing on those people/organizations that are helping to change the old value system that all of our modern incarnations are laid upon. I know they probably wouldn't phrase it like that but again this goes back to my mission trying to change the fundemental value system (see previous entries for more background infor) via technology of, well, the World.

All material manifestations are evolving constantly, changing, however, Print makes us believe that they are stagnant, ideas, because of its medium. Our Social Media platforms have removed this barrier and there is a shifting ecological shift in mind set that is going on. If there are articles with forums below for the community to discuss and support the idea/movement that is being highlighted (a highly partisan vehical: I believe partisanship is not bad, as we have been led to believe, that partisanship even in Media is not bad, as long as we are partisan for the correct things. A partisanship, like the Dalai Lama for example, toward a selfless ideal. I believe if you started a place where such ideals were fostered it would push the forums etc. in this direction with little effort. The Human Mind is infinitly creative, but its creativity also has its roots in its value system, if we focus it on a positive value it will create in this light.)

Every point, every idea, every critique will be focused on making the idea better, making the connections more fluid, just as we have done in our old paradigm with such ideas as Profit being the goal (selfish). SIDENOTE***This was sprouted from the study I have done on Grades with are ubiquitous to those of us who have tramped through school. However, grades would have been confusing to Thomas Jefferson because it is trying to remove something from a continuum. A C essay is just saying that currently that student does not have the skills necessary and with proper training, teaching, guidance, that paper will become and A. All things should be such, to take them out of that continuum of trial and error is a false rendering of the process. it is a process. With this in mind we focus on Ideas never as fixed conclusions but as processes that we all can have a hand in strengthening, expanding, shrinking, in our various expertise.END OF SIDE NOTE*****

These articles will be under heading e.g. "Hunger" then sub headings, "International", "Local" etc. This is for two reasongs:

a) So that the particular groups that are addressing certain issues e.g. Hunger, International, can see the groups that are also addressing these issues. They can access the forums and ideas, they can see what the other groups are doing-they can collarborate and have a larger impact on their particular fields.

b) for the individual who has an idea for example, how to end hunger in North Seattle, they can find someone who has done it, and the articles will be written in a manner with this in mind: for it to be a blueprint rather than a form of entertainment of trvial knowlege. It is a working article in the process of evolution (as all things are). ***SIDE NOTE the reasoning behind this is the belief that when given the opportunity with systems in place for both avenues to be realized that are viable and accessible, humans will in large numbers (I want to say ALL) will choose the benevolent aspects of their nature. I do not believe that we are innately evil or selfish, in fact, many of the recent studies of pre-agricultural cultures shows an amazing bend toward selflessness. This is not to say we are not selfish, no, nor totally selfless, but I believe even if the selfless side is small, it is small like a door stop with the ability of holding a large door open if it we are aware and vigilant. With systems in place to support this part of our nature there will be enough (maybe all?) that will strive toward attempting/doing this. Thus, they will hold open doors for the rest. ****END OF SIDE NOTE.

What I hope will happen is that the articles will start to be written by other people with the same value set. That they will be critiqued before going up by a selfless value orientated Public, then, when they go up they will be used by those who would follow these footsteps and make their own manifestation of it. To be used by those that are doing similar works to see that they are not alone, to see opportunities for collarboration, to use the forums as places to glean ideas from, to hone the current ideas, or to debate and defend their current policy all in the vien of making it better at their end goal e.g. ending hunger.

I was hesitant to go in such detail because I thought, "they'll steal my idea!" but then I thought, thats the point. If they do it better, so be it. I am trying not to think in the old paradigm. The old paradigm infects (as does all mediums) everything, much like Mcluhan said about the car: it affected advertisement to be able to be written as a car passes, it created gas stations, it shrunk distances etc. I wonder what will happen as a holistic change when we change this underlying value system. It may not look to terribly different but it will feel different. I know that.

I imagine looking out at the city and knowing that there is a place for me to realize any idea that I have. That when I think..." I want to help" and the only hinderance between me and the realization is the strength of my idea not the Network that I have, who I know, etc.

It will be beautiful.

Be well my friends

Guru D.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Specifics

(whats being done today...setting up meeting with Steve Wilhelm Puget Sound Business Journal staff writer via a friend of mine. Will help on article idea and other contacts, hopefully)

I see all these wonderful ideas abounding and feel a groundswell of correct value systems in this change. We have yet to find a connecting medium in order to be able to support this groundswell, to us it as support for our own ideas, and to spark our own forays into the 'movement'

What am I doing??

I want to start a three tiered 'organization' that is the connecting medium for these ideas-so, that it can become, in itself, a medium for a positive evolutionary change. I have already stated previously the philosophy behind it so I will not delve too much into that now, but briefly: to use technology that is racing at exponential growth to change the underlying foundational value systems (selfish: new paradigm) that have been the impetus to this very same technological growth (if interested in the reasoning behind this ask for more info or view video from first post) to change it to to a new paradigm (selfless-which, coincidentally serves the self).

In short a website
1) first with Evolving Articles/interviews with people who I see are part of this groundswell. This will be set questions that are focused on getting the 'hows' the 'whys' out of them with the impetus being to try to spark others to do the same. To spark their ideas, to spark their critiques and expertise to assist these people.

2) Forums

3) Profiles.

For more in depth info please inquire.

I am woefully technologically skill wise ignorant, but have followed its trajectory in a historical/philosophical sense. This ignorance though has afforded me a chance to view what can be done with the eyes of an outsider who, sometimes if they are aware, can observe patterns invisible to those in the trenches.

I can see the patterns of intergration and how it will grow. I need to

and I have hated this word for so long


I do not have the technical expertise to do this alone nor do I want too do this alone. I cannot aquire the technical skill to get this up to speed on time but I can understand the skills in a meta way.

I need to have others to bounce these ideas off of who have experience in integrating fields-or, just inquisitive, intelligent, and value based motivated people.

I am going to get the beginning DIY website up with the best that I can do. I will start with local interviews of people and set up the networks. My writing isn't the best but it will do to get content up. I am reading a bit of (X)HTML, web design, getting comfortable in a novice way with dreamweaver, photoshop.

Another would do better to do these things but I know I have to put up or shut up. If I put up something there is something to be critiqued.

Well this is also in the video I did and previous posts. But, in short, because with our technological advancement it is multiplied the reach of that Natural man to exponential levels (and is growing exponentially). Without a foundational value change from this selfish (old) paradigm I cannot see the planet being in any form other than that of desolation in all the manifestations of that term. Strangely, technology has reached a point where its selfish paradigm can be changed via technology.

I have to try, at least.

Be well my friends.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Systems and Technology: or SysTech

I am good at looking at data, for the lack of a better term, and am able to see the causes, patterns of cause, and the systems that support them. When I look at the modern world it used to drive me insane with its chaotic and incoherent mess. I had to turn off this aspect of my being in order to be able to walk through this life without going mad. I think that many of us do this, that we turn off our cognitive abilities because the static from the massive amount of seemingly chaotic data, is deafening. When we look rationally, or try to look at it rationally, we can only squint our eyes at this mess and shrug our shoulders, "nothing to be done here" because it is unsolveable this..mess.

I have tried in the last few years to stare at it and try to make sense of it if only because the angst that ignoring arose in me was unbearable. I always knew it was there and the more that I meditated and tried to be good, it became more apparent, more insistent of my attention so I gave it. What I have been able to withdraw from it is stunning to me, in it simplicity, and that is that our entire model of society is based off of an age old paradigm of selfishness. That our systems that are in place have been influenced by a Humanistic Value which gave rise to the systems that in turn supported this foundational value.

It is arrogant sounding to say, "aha, I found it" on some large scale and I apologize for it. I am embarassed, really, to say it. It is not in my nature, or, it is not in the nature that I want to achieve-and I would never assume that I have the requisite understanding or intellectual heft to say so, but I think I have touched on something. All of human endeavors are value based. All of them. Aristotle struggled with this idea: we cannot do something we truly think is wrong. It is not possible, I think, to do so. On some level there has to be the Gatekeeper nodding his acceptance to the proposed action. And what happens on a larger social level?

We know that Science is really a group inquiry, a field of statistic which delves into averages. Jung points this out in Undisvoered Self that, "when you take a bucketfull of pebbles an find an average of 146 grams-this is science, but if you were to weigh each pebble seperately it is highly possible that you never find one that is 146 grams." So that for the individuals, this may or may not be true of their value systems. Thus we have someone like the Dalai Lama, but, if we look at the Whole in a scientific lens we see that there is a singular value system root: selfishness.

Selfishness is not bad, inherently, it is not. When we take into account the arising of 'modern' civiliation much of the evidence is that we became agriculturists because of a weather change. That we were drive toward this lifestyle because of the dearth caused by this change. We were worried about feeding our children, our selves, our small communities. Thus the systems that arose out of this had a root in selfishness.

When I use the term technologies I am not just talking about wheels and microchips, I am talking about also, systems. Technology in my definitive is meaning that extension of Man's physical and mental (including sensory) capabilities. And as we progressed past this node of history, the 'acclerating' era of technology, we see that we move at an alarming pace driven by this value system based on dearth. Until we have reached another node. Our Systech capablities have reached a point where our reach is almost limitless in its abilities to exploit nature, environments, etc. It has even created 'alternate space' e.g. cyberspace in order to be able to exploit 'real space' more efficiently and holistically. I think almost anyone with any honesty can see where an unchecked primitive selfish paradigm with a cutting edge exponentially growign systech ability will end.

But, I think here is the Out, is that with these Systech capabilities we have also reached a point where we have the capabilities to change the underlying value sytems that Systech is extending. Never before has it been possible to connect with so many people instantaneously, nor to move information, or collaborate action. Never before could there be so much 'change' in so little time. The idea of a Global Village is, and has been, rather inane and fruitless in the lens of the Old Paradigm. It is still silly even in a newer Selfless paradigm if we mean it to be a unique manifestation across the board. However, if we think of Global Village in the terms of a universal value system and allow for culture, environment, and individual to define how that looks then I agree.

This sounds absurd, I know, especially as we are so inundated in an old Paradigm, but I point out that we already have a universal value system. It is no more absurd than the current state which I believe is no more 'natural' than the opposite. With technology and its current exponential growth we can change it rather rapidly-with the right motivation, and I know of no better motivation than annhilation via an outdated value system.

Guru D.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Idea Giant Prelude

What happens when we become aware of our technologies and use them to our higher purposes? In a world that kurzweil forsees, the man that Bill Gates said is, "the best in the world at predicting the future", where technology is following the Law of Accelerating Returns (moore's law etc) http://www.kurzweilai.net/articles/art0134.html?printable=1

I have stood aside and watched in alarm at this arising of a 'technopoly' and have felt left behind in many ways-in my heart, I am a man of print. My mind works that way. However, the medium has changed, and it is changing exponentially, and this allows for change to be also exponential

What happens, I wonder, when we change our archaic selfish paradigms of thought which our systems are stuck in and evolve it into one that is selfless (selfless also serves the self if it serves all beings etc.)

We shall see.